Postal Service Policy on Reporting Requirements for Sex Offenders Employee and Labor Relations Manual Section 665.17, Reporting Requirements for Sex Offenders An employee who is required by the law of any jurisdiction to register as a sex offender must report in writing that he or she is subject to this requirement, as follows: a. Any employee who is not an Area or Headquarters employee must make his or her report to the District Manager of Human Resources; Area employees must make their report to their Area Manager of Human Resources; and Headquarters employees must make their report to the Headquarters Manager, Corporate Personnel. b. An employee who first registers as a sex offender on or after May 24, 2007, must make this report to management within 10 calendar days after the employee first registers as a sex offender. c. An employee who registered as a sex offender at any time before May 24, 2007, must make this report to management no later than June 4, 2007. d. If, after making his or her first report to management, the employee is required to register as a sex offender in a different jurisdiction, or to register anywhere because the employee has committed an additional sexual offense, the employee must inform management within 10 calendar days after so registering. POST ON EMPLOYEE BULLETIN BOARDS — FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Poster 63 May 2007